
The woke culture seems to be an anti-establishment towards a functioning society. We have educators exposing children to explicit material, men competing as women in sports and now they’re saying that basic hygiene is racist. Furthermore, conservatives are calling to end all of these nonsensical talks. 

The Guardian states, research suggests that individuals with an aversion to body odors like urine and sweat tend to lean toward right-wing authoritarian attitudes. Following that, the study also found a small association between a strong aversion to body odors and support for Donald Trump during his presidential candidacy. 

In addition to this, these findings align with the idea that feelings of disgust may partly underlie social discrimination, driven by an instinctual urge to avoid potential disease transmission from unfamiliar sources. Conservatives are stating that they’d rather be clean and healthy instead of looking woke. 

Conservatives openly admit hatred to body odour and prioritising hygiene 

Some users state that they will consider themselves as extreme right wingers for this statement. Furthermore, a user claims that they have a hypersensitive nose, hence, smelling odours will be more prominent to them. The X user then explains that even in a room full of people, the one person who has said odour will be prominent to them. 

Furthermore, users are mocking the woke ideology by making silly statements about phobias. An X user states that wearing deodorant is odorphobic. However, other conservatives state that wearing deodorant is the best way to be polite and not let anyone smell your odour. It is fascinating that the woke culture talks about these things seriously. 

Others are claiming that Democrats are people who aren’t hygienic. Following that, this is due to most Democrat supporters claiming themselves to be woke. Those who are left wing also tend to be Democrats. It is rather peculiar that an entire ideology is identified to be cleaner than the other, literally. 

Now, not all who would prefer to have good hygiene are right wingers, and vice versa. However, it is ridiculous to see the woke agenda meddling into everyone’s daily lives.

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Is it racist for a White person to be proud of their heritage? Conservatives say no 

ByAsir F