Recently President Joe Biden has made a remark that is rather infuriating towards a lot of Americans. He referred to a Black man, rapper LL Cool J as “boy.” Calling a Black man “boy” has a deep and troubling history in America, especially in the deep south. Many find this to be inappropriate and extremely rude. 

According to the New York Post, LL Cool J, born James Todd Smith, and MC Lyte were honoured with the Phoenix Award for their musical achievements during the CBC’s 52nd Annual Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. President Biden, despite a humorous slip-up, praises them as influential figures in American hip-hop. 

However, he refers to LL Cool J as “boy” by stating, “by the way that boy — that man’s got biceps bigger than my thighs.”

Furthermore, historians argue that the word “boy” was used to discriminate and dehumanise Black men in the past. The word is subsequently in use alongside the other slurs that were constantly and openly told to these individuals. Generally speaking, it is typically said by a White man trying to prove that a Black man is of lower status than him, which is most definitely untrue. 

Conservatives saying Joe Biden was inappropriately calling a Black man “boy” 

Users are posting several alleged quotes done by the President. They are pretty questionable, but it is unclear if he actually said most of them. Regardless, his history isn’t quite as spotless as we would like to think. In 2019, Kamala Harris openly was against Biden for his stance on busing in the last few decades. 


Following that, users state that if Trump were to ever say that about a Black man, he would receive an impeachment. Many users seem to agree with this sentiment. However, others are joking about the situation with some stating that Joe Biden is more “based” than Trump ever was for doing this. 


Since there are several users still siding the President for saying this, others are asking some possibly offensive questions. An X user asked whether it would actually be okay for an older White man to call a Black man “boy”, since the President quite literally just did it. 

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