The topic of individuals leaving America is not one that is fond among conservatives. Many of them state that they hope those who finally leave the country, should not ask for a “refund” if they seek to return. Patriotic Americans are diminishing in droves over the last few decades, especially after the rise of woke culture. 

CNN states, on the eve of July Fourth, the traditional celebration of American independence, the pride in being an American has reached a historic low, according to a new Gallup poll. However, only 38% of adults express “extreme” pride in being American, marking the lowest measure ever. This percentage falls well below the average of 55% before 2015, showing that extreme American pride has significantly decline. 

Furthermore, this decline can be attributed to notable drops among Republicans and independents, although Democrats saw a slight increase in extreme pride over the past three years. Gallup conducted this poll amidst challenging times, following mass shootings and preceding a controversial Supreme Court ruling, reflecting a broader trend of diminishing trust in American institutions.

Conservatives saying “no refunds” to Americans who want to leave the US 


Most conservatives believe that the US is one of the safest and least oppressed places in the world. To a certain extent, it may be true as there are many firsts that have been done in America when it comes to inclusion and diversity. In addition to this, there are a plethora of countries in Asia and Africa that would refuse diversity straight up. 


Furthermore, users state that a sad reality is that most of these individuals leaving the US are pretty well off. Unfortunately, they would leave behind the poverty and the sad state of their local communities if they do so. It is unclear why there is such a massive divide among Americans in recent years. 

Following that, users hope that those who leave America would not come back. A number of comments like this can be found on the thread. For the most part, countries tend to not let anyone automatically stay there without a deposit and visa. To apply for a visa is another challenge, regardless of whether the individual is American or not. 

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