
Typically, most Europeans, Africans and Asians would assume that Americans will not know their respective continents and countries well. However, a recent video done by a TikToker by the username @justin_awad shows the gravity of the entire situation. He asked several people simple questions like, “Whats the capital of the United States?” The respondent replied “America.” 

Furthermore, he then asked other people different questions about America. He asked a woman, “How many stars are there in the American flag?” She responded, “A hundred? I don’t know?” There are 50 stars in the American flag, each star representing a state of the country. Following that, the capital of the United States is clearly Washington D.C. 

An article written by the Daily Mail in 2011 states that 70% of Americans do not know their constitution. Another peculiar fact is that 6% don’t even know when independence day is. Some people probably aren’t realising why the 4th of July is such an important day for their own country. 

Americans do not know basic facts about their own country? 

Some users state that this is clearly a reason why there needs to be a competency test for those who vote. If an individual does not even know the most basic facts of their own country, then why even bother. It seems that this sentiment is rather popular among conservatives on X as knowledge is power. 

In addition to this, many are criticising their country’s education system for not teaching the basic facts of their own country properly. Users are upset that this is what their tax dollars are doing for their people. Furthermore, some claim that there is a stronger need for more fundings in public schools. 

Others state that it is important for people to at least watch a video explaining the basic facts of the United States. The user then adds that ignorance is a choice as we are living in a time where we can look up for information at our fingertips. However, some state that it takes more than a simple video to explain the history of the United States. 

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