The talk of the 2020s is strongly about diversity. However, brands who embrace quick diversity seem to suffer the most. Many conservatives of all colors complain that this movement is excluding White people. Some feel that White privilege is a thing, but there are plenty of White Americans who aren’t doing well too.
Unfortunately, there are not many talking about this problem as it does not fit the mainstream narrative. Most articles published about this issue would tend to downplay the matter and state that this is a good thing. However, true equality comes when everyone is treated equally and fairly.
According to Forbes, recalling school days when teams were chosen, a feeling of exclusion and anxiety often occurred among students. Comparing this to the current workforce, where Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) aims to include everyone, a study finds that nearly 70% of white men feel “forgotten” by these efforts, mainly due to uncertainty about their inclusion.
Diversity should not exclude White people according to X users
"Diversity" is literally just racism against white people. If they really cared about equality they'd be complaining that the NBA is 90% black and try to get that down to 15%.
— Believe On Jesus Christ (@TheLastDon222) November 6, 2023
Conservatives on X state that the word “diversity” is meant to exclude White people from corporate jobs and other things as well. Furthermore, the user states that the same is not done for sports. If a sport that has 90% Black players, the internet would go crazy if someone petitioned for them to have players of a different race.
My employer replaced all the men with women at one site just to make a performative virtue signal for “diversity and inclusion”. All the Karen girl bosses said it was a great start but more needed to be done. Male employees’ concerns were dismissed as “not worthy of a response”
— Dai Bach (@daibach99) November 6, 2023
In addition to this, X users feel that this is meant to erase White people. However, instances like these are waking up people who are apolitical. Now, it seems that there are more and more “conservatives” out in America. It is even to the point that the LGBTQ members are split between those who are conservatives or liberals.
Following that, another user claims that their company reached diversity quotas by hiring more women in higher up positions. Unfortunately, the concerns brought up by the men in the company are always dismissed. Conservatives feel that this is a true form of gender discrimination.
Some state that only western countries are the ones being forced with diversity. Other countries are not facing the same problem as them. Regardless, many hope to live in a world where everyone is equal by race and that no racial prejudice is happening to an individual solely based on the color of their skin.
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