
Unfortunately, women receiving harsh treatment from men are not a rare sight. Furthermore, an unfortunate incident occurred to a woman where she refused a man and he subsequently attacked her. This whole ordeal was happening in front of other men, who did nothing to help the innocent woman. 

According to The Mirror, a disturbing incident was happening in Texas, where a woman with the name of Rho Bashe was suffering severe facial injuries. This was when a man allegedly threw a brick at her face following her refusal to provide him with her phone number. 

In addition to this, the incident was in a viral video on Instagram, with Rho Bashe recounting the shocking episode. In disbelief, she addresses a group of onlookers, lamenting that the man was attacking her with a rock while others were merely observing. She implores them to take action, questioning how such an act could be acceptable. 

Woman was hit with a brick on her face

Initially a renown conservative X user @stillgray states that a woman had a brick thrown to her face. However, he dug up her previous TikTok videos showing her to be rude to White people. Conservatives state that she could have probably said some nasty things to the man that threw the brick to her face. 


Nonetheless, it is crucial to emphasize that subjecting someone to such horrendous mistreatment remains unequivocally unjust. A man asserts that she bears some responsibility, recounting that he witnessed the entire incident as a bystander and suggesting that her actions may have provoked the assailant. 

He goes on to allege that within their community, she has garnered a reputation as a troublemaker, implying that her encounter was somewhat anticipated by those familiar with her.


X users state that she is now receiving the full inclusion of the woke culture. Furthermore, some claim that this is equality. It is still not nice for someone to go around and literally look for trouble from other people. Unfortunately for this woman, conservatives who are both Black and White are merciless towards her. 


The veracity of the narrative notwithstanding, it seems that the majority are inclined to believe the accounts provided by eyewitnesses, implicating her as the source of the issue. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether her version of events or the narratives of the eyewitnesses hold true.

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