Plus Size

The plus size movement is one of the agendas the conservatives are vehemently against. They feel that having a healthy body and lifestyle is the way to move forward. However, it seems that the woke crowd thinks contrary to the point that it’s okay to mock people’s faces but not their bodies. 

According to helpguide, body shaming involves humiliating individuals through inappropriate or negative comments about their body size, extending beyond “fat shaming” to encompass judgments about being underweight or specific body features. This criticism can come from external sources or be self-inflicted, as people harshly assess their weight and body image, engaging in negative self-talk.

Furthermore, body shaming can occur in person or virtually, via the internet and social media, originating from various individuals, even unintentionally from well-meaning friends and family. Such comments can be detrimental, regardless of intent, and foster an unhealthy focus on body image. Overcoming body shaming requires cultivating body positivity and developing a compassionate and realistic self-perception.

Plus size woman criticised for mocking thin lips

X users are having a heated discussion regarding the incident with some users stating that this is hypocritical. Following that, many find it funny that the plus sized woman made a strange face after the man mentioned about weight. The woke ideology has taught people to be okay with the weight they are at, but encourages people to mock others for their faces. 

In addition to this, users feel that the woman is interested in the man. However, it is unclear if this is factual or not. Commenters state her body language and the way she talks to the man seems to be like she is interested in him. Others state that this was a flirtation that went south, which is again, just speculation. 

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the video, there are some who resort to making racist comments towards the situation. A user asks about the importance for a White man to feel offended by a Black woman’s words. However, more sensible users state that race has nothing to do with this very interaction. 

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